Click "Donate" to make a tax-deductible donation to Keisho Center's financial aid fund. All donations support tuition assistance for Keisho Center families.
日本帰国予定はないけれども、日本語と日本文化を学びたい、学ばせたい。そんな ニーズに応えた学校が、パイロットプログラムの成功を受けて、2004年9月正式に開校しました。 この地に永住予定の子供に日本語まで学ばせるのは大変すぎる、と あきらめてしまう前に、私たちでできることを、ご一緒に考えてみませんか。
- 少人数クラスで、自分から言葉を「使う」チャンスが豊富に得られます。
- 机と黒板の授業だけでなく、ドリルを埋める作業だけでなく、さまざまな自主的活動、上級生・下級生一緒のプロジェクトなどを通して学び合います。
- 子供たちの日本語に対する意欲を育てることが第一の狙いです。
- 理事会報告書 (PDF)
- パンフレット(PDF 全2ページ)
- 当センターの見学は予約制となっております。ご希望の方はこちらのEメールまでお問い合わせ願います。
ワシントン日本語継承センターでは拡充に伴い、以下の教職を募集しています。- 継承日本語教師
- 教育助手
- 資格は必ずしも問いません(情熱第一)
- 土曜半日の授業
- 指導案など充分なリソースあり
このプログラムでは、子供たちの興味や関心を充分に活用しながら、日本に関する知識や文化、歴史、語学力はもちろんのこと、日米両社会に通ずる人間性、社会性、理解力、意識や自覚などを、各個人が自分に合った方法やペースで養うことができる学習環境を提供していきます。子供たちが自分自身で学ぶことの楽しさやきっかけを見つけることができるよう、自分の長所や短所を認め合いながら、学問、社会、その他の面で遭遇する様々な問題解決に役立つ力を身につけ、考える力を豊かにします。言語教育の中で大切とされる「5C」(Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities) を基本としながら、それぞれの子供が全体的な面で成長し、またアメリカに在住しながらも日本の血を受け継ぐ特別な環境にいることに対する誇りを尊重できるよう、文化的そして総合的自己意識を高めていきます。
土曜日 9:00 a.m.~12:30 p.m.
サクラ:9:00 a.m.~12:00 p.m.
パイロットに向けた命名「ワシントン日本語継承センター」を受け私はドメインkeisho.orgを取得。ホームページは、開校前からセンターを必要とする家庭の指針となり、オンライン教材や教員による毎週のブログなど、初期のビジョンの構築に役立ったと自負している。Coreや教員のためのメールリストや Dropbox、Facebook、Twitter も立ち上げた。
Fond memories come flooding back of the first Keisho planning meetings at coffee houses and around dining room tables where founding members were sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences while simultaneously trying to keep young children occupied. It was these gatherings that brought together a group of dedicated teachers, staff and volunteer families who envisioned a non-traditional approach to teaching heritage language and culture, and I feel fortunate to be part of this pioneer group committed to Keisho's mission.
Much has changed since Keisho's trial semester in spring of 2004. The first students enrolled are now young adults forging careers, the 'little ones' become the 'big kids' and there are always new young faces in their place. Along with the undokais, mochi tsukis and potlucks, Keisho grieved the losses of a founding member and a teacher, both beloved by our community. Every celebration and milestone are the result of trials, tribulations and 'lessons learned' that build Keisho's institutional foundation and character.
I am heartened by Keisho's continued growth while maintaining a nurturing environment for students and families. Teaching Japanese language and culture is the cornerstone of Keisho but appreciating each family's unique multicultural identity is what bonds this community. As my family is enriched by the friendships and lifelong memories created at Keisho, I am confident Keisho will be a place where not only knowledge of language is attained but love of culture is embraced and this will be Keisho's legacy.
I never set out to build an institution or establish a "heritage learning center." Keisho Center for me was a process that developed to meet a need; a need to that arose and then evolved when I married a Japanese woman, Ako, and we had a child, Rena. As a former English teacher, I feel the need to point out the intentional use of a passive voice rather than an active one in that previous sentence. The "process that developed" was not something I intentionally thought out and worked toward. I did not have a grand goal or vision. I had a child. And I was a former language teacher. I knew that language and identity are intertwined. I wanted to be sure that my daughter had a strong identity, a strong sense of self. That in turn required a deep, natural, what some would call 'native', understanding of the Japanese language.
I also knew that language and culture are one and the same. You cannot become well versed in one without really knowing the other. Konichiwa (こんにちは) requires a head bow; sumimasen (すみません) may require an even deeper bow for an apology or perhaps a slight bow with a smile for a show of gratitude or thanks. The meaning is in the context and the context is in the culture. So if I wanted my daughter to understand herself, she had to know and understand – and hopefully love and enjoy – both of her languages and cultures.
Ako and I started Rena in a Japanese toddler play group. That moved on to a pre-K, Sakura Yochien (さくら幼稚園) and then to Hoshuko (補習校) for elementary school. But the elementary school program was designed for students whose families planned to return to Japan and thus needed to keep up with the Japanese curriculum. There was a lot of homework required for first grade, more than I remembered doing as a high school student, and Rena was beginning to develop her own personality and interests. There just was not time for everything and it was becoming less fun to be Japanese.
It was then that Shigeru Tsubakitani and Andy Saidel approached Ako and myself about joining them to form a new program. In total, I think it was six families plus Akane Shirata who came together to talk, plan, design, and then implement what we eventually called Keisho Center (継承センター), the Washington Japanese Heritage Center. We chose 'keisho' to emphasize that we wanted our students connected to their heritage. We developed a format that would be less intense but facilitate learning by making it enjoyable and meaningful to our children's current environment. Each of us tapped into our specialties: Akane developed the curriculum, Shigeru brought his business sense, the Koshiyas added the traditional culture, and I helped formulate the school structure.
We incorporated with each family having one member on the board and loaning Keisho a few hundred dollars to start on. We obtained non-profit status, found classrooms we could rent on Saturday mornings, gathered our supplies, spread the word, and opened our pilot term fifteen years ago with 30 students, three teachers, and handful of parent volunteers. I cannot speak for the others, but it was not my intent to build an institution, to create a legacy that would continue to serve the community. But it is immensely pleasing to know that occurred and, after Rena, is probably my proudest achievement.
Keisho Center would like to express our sincere gratitude to our generous donors.
Coleman Family
Farrell Family
H.E. and Mrs. Fujisaki
Dr. Shoko Hamano
Japan Foundation Los Angeles
Japan Commerce Association of Washington
Komatsuzaki Family
Dr. and Mrs. Koshiya
Matsumura-Claxton Family
Dr. Edson Mori
Osawa Family
Dr. Jeff Schwartz
Ms. Mina Seat
Ms. Akane Shirata
Washington Tokyo Women's Club
- 生徒一人一人のニーズの違いを理解し、それぞれが学ぶ喜びを見つけ出し、学習意欲を長く維持できるような教育環境を提供します。
- 「プログレッシブ教育」に基づき、日本に関する文化的知識、言語的能力の強化・充実を目指す中で、生徒の関心を出来る限り反映させた教育を与えます。
- 生徒個人の意見、存在を理解、尊重した上で、日本文化に通じた、社会性・人間性を養えるような学習機会を設けます。
このプログラムでは、子供たちの興味や関心を充分に活用しながら、日本に関する知識や文化、歴史、語学力はもちろんのこと、日米両社会に通ずる人間性、社会性、理解力、意識や自覚などを、各個人が自分に合った方法やペースで養うことができる学習環境を提供していきます。子供たちが自分自身で学ぶことの楽しさやきっかけを見つけることができるよう、自分の長所や短所を認め合いながら、学問、社会、その他の面で遭遇する様々な問題解決に役立つ力を身につけ、考える力を豊かにします。言語教育の中で大切とされる「5C」(Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities) を基本としながら、それぞれの子供が全体的な面で成長し、またアメリカに在住しながらも日本の血を受け継ぐ特別な環境にいることに対する誇りを尊重できるよう、文化的そして総合的自己意識を高めていきます。
- カー理恵
久留米信愛短期大学幼児教育学科卒業。日本語家庭教師。Graduated U.S.Navy Command Master Chief spouse leadership course - 海老沢 美加
横浜国立大学大学院教育学研究科 修士・幼小中高教員免許 - エンドウーデイビス・コリーン
UCLA大学卒業(マスコミュニケーション専攻) シャミナード大学初等教育資格 小学校ESL教師経験あり 現在アーリントン・パブリック・スクールズ代講教師 - 深堀夏鈴
バージニア工科大学卒業(心理学専攻)、 ジョージメイソン大学 大学院在学中(Early Childhood Education) - 岩井香織
パリ13大学教育学博士 スタンフォード大学修士(教育)国連教育科学文化機関、米国国際開発庁にて途上国の小中学校教育関連事業に従事 ジョージワシントン大学客員助教授(日本語)幼稚園教諭免許 - 古閑 ともみ
熊本学園大学外国語学部英米学科卒業。 オーストラリア、日本で日本語教師、日本語教師養成講座の講師を務めた。 - 越谷 恵子
国際基督教大学 (ICU) 教養学部理学科卒業。翻訳者・編集者。 - 大隅 昭代
University of Washington 学士取得、言語学専攻、数学副専攻、論文のテーマは「Japanese Syntax and Semantics Interface」。日本語辞書編集者を経て英日翻訳者並びに日本語教師となり、20年以上の経験を有する。 - シート美奈
福岡大学大学院博士課程満期退学 (英語学英米文学専攻), M&Kコミュニケーション代表, 高校教員免許 (日本), UMBC非常勤講師 - 白田 茜
アメリカン大学 非常勤講師, University of Maryland Global Campus Adjunct Faculty (TA), Master's degree in Early Childhood Special Education, Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, Early childhood teaching certificate - スミス 知恵
洗足学園音楽ピアノ専攻卒業。同大学にて教育職員免許取得。横浜市立中学校音楽科教諭を務めた。ジョージア日本語学校にて卒業式合唱、学級及び学年全体の歌指導も行った。同学校にて書道部指導者も担当した。 - 補助教員(TA):ブリスコム玲子, デーンズ 史穂美, ハインズ理香, 神園雅義, キーズ あゆみ, サイーディ かな, シャフラン 夕陽, 竹内紗綾, ニッキーワード, ウィルソン由紀子, 山本健太郎
- 前後期 各 $785.00 (1年分一括払い $1470 $100割引き))
- 弟妹 $735.00(1年分一括払い $1370 ($100割引き))
- 入会金 $40(初年度のみ)
- 他に上級クラスでは若干の書籍代
土曜日 9:00 a.m.~12:30 p.m.
サクラ:9:00 a.m.~12:00 p.m.
- 2003
- 11月 準備コアグループ発足
- 2004
- 3月 バージニア州法人 認可
- 4月 全校生徒28人3クラスでパイロットプログラム開校
- 9月 ローウェル学校で始業
- 10月 IRS 非営利法人 認可
- 2005
- 3月 ワシントンDC恒例の桜祭りに初参加
- 9月 リバーロードユニテリアン教会へ移転、始業
- 2006
- 9月 生徒会発足
- 2008
- 1月 初餅つき会
- 6月 イヤーブック初発行
- 2009
- 9月 入学者、在籍者数48人7クラスで始業
- 12月 初運動会
- 2011
- 9月 ノーウッドスクールへ移転、始業
- 2012
- 9月 入学者、在籍者数88人8クラスで始業
- 2015
- 9月 入学者、在籍者数97人で始業
- 継承センター保護者対象日本語プログラム(10人受講)開設
- 2019
- 継承センター創立15周年
- 9月 入学者、在籍者数114人 9クラスで始業
- 2020
- 2020年3月から2021年6月のコロナ禍では遠隔授業を実施
- 外務大臣より米国での日本語教育推進の功績を受賞
- 2024
- 継承センター創立20周年
パイロットに向けた命名「ワシントン日本語継承センター」を受け私はドメインkeisho.orgを取得。ホームページは、開校前からセンターを必要とする家庭の指針となり、オンライン教材や教員による毎週のブログなど、初期のビジョンの構築に役立ったと自負している。Coreや教員のためのメールリストや Dropbox、Facebook、Twitter も立ち上げた。
Fond memories come flooding back of the first Keisho planning meetings at coffee houses and around dining room tables where founding members were sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences while simultaneously trying to keep young children occupied. It was these gatherings that brought together a group of dedicated teachers, staff and volunteer families who envisioned a non-traditional approach to teaching heritage language and culture, and I feel fortunate to be part of this pioneer group committed to Keisho's mission.
Much has changed since Keisho's trial semester in spring of 2004. The first students enrolled are now young adults forging careers, the 'little ones' become the 'big kids' and there are always new young faces in their place. Along with the undokais, mochi tsukis and potlucks, Keisho grieved the losses of a founding member and a teacher, both beloved by our community. Every celebration and milestone are the result of trials, tribulations and 'lessons learned' that build Keisho's institutional foundation and character.
I am heartened by Keisho's continued growth while maintaining a nurturing environment for students and families. Teaching Japanese language and culture is the cornerstone of Keisho but appreciating each family's unique multicultural identity is what bonds this community. As my family is enriched by the friendships and lifelong memories created at Keisho, I am confident Keisho will be a place where not only knowledge of language is attained but love of culture is embraced and this will be Keisho's legacy.
I never set out to build an institution or establish a "heritage learning center." Keisho Center for me was a process that developed to meet a need; a need to that arose and then evolved when I married a Japanese woman, Ako, and we had a child, Rena. As a former English teacher, I feel the need to point out the intentional use of a passive voice rather than an active one in that previous sentence. The "process that developed" was not something I intentionally thought out and worked toward. I did not have a grand goal or vision. I had a child. And I was a former language teacher. I knew that language and identity are intertwined. I wanted to be sure that my daughter had a strong identity, a strong sense of self. That in turn required a deep, natural, what some would call 'native', understanding of the Japanese language.
I also knew that language and culture are one and the same. You cannot become well versed in one without really knowing the other. Konichiwa (こんにちは) requires a head bow; sumimasen (すみません) may require an even deeper bow for an apology or perhaps a slight bow with a smile for a show of gratitude or thanks. The meaning is in the context and the context is in the culture. So if I wanted my daughter to understand herself, she had to know and understand – and hopefully love and enjoy – both of her languages and cultures.
Ako and I started Rena in a Japanese toddler play group. That moved on to a pre-K, Sakura Yochien (さくら幼稚園) and then to Hoshuko (補習校) for elementary school. But the elementary school program was designed for students whose families planned to return to Japan and thus needed to keep up with the Japanese curriculum. There was a lot of homework required for first grade, more than I remembered doing as a high school student, and Rena was beginning to develop her own personality and interests. There just was not time for everything and it was becoming less fun to be Japanese.
It was then that Shigeru Tsubakitani and Andy Saidel approached Ako and myself about joining them to form a new program. In total, I think it was six families plus Akane Shirata who came together to talk, plan, design, and then implement what we eventually called Keisho Center (継承センター), the Washington Japanese Heritage Center. We chose 'keisho' to emphasize that we wanted our students connected to their heritage. We developed a format that would be less intense but facilitate learning by making it enjoyable and meaningful to our children's current environment. Each of us tapped into our specialties: Akane developed the curriculum, Shigeru brought his business sense, the Koshiyas added the traditional culture, and I helped formulate the school structure.
We incorporated with each family having one member on the board and loaning Keisho a few hundred dollars to start on. We obtained non-profit status, found classrooms we could rent on Saturday mornings, gathered our supplies, spread the word, and opened our pilot term fifteen years ago with 30 students, three teachers, and handful of parent volunteers. I cannot speak for the others, but it was not my intent to build an institution, to create a legacy that would continue to serve the community. But it is immensely pleasing to know that occurred and, after Rena, is probably my proudest achievement.
Keisho Center would like to express our sincere gratitude to our generous donors.
Coleman Family
Farrell Family
H.E. and Mrs. Fujisaki
Dr. Shoko Hamano
Japan Foundation Los Angeles
Japan Commerce Association of Washington
Komatsuzaki Family
Dr. and Mrs. Koshiya
Matsumura-Claxton Family
Dr. Edson Mori
Osawa Family
Dr. Jeff Schwartz
Ms. Mina Seat
Ms. Akane Shirata
Washington Tokyo Women's Club
Keisho Center's policies and procedures are listed below. Use the links to find out about specific policies.
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct (日本語)
2024-25 Calendar
Family Account
Financial Aid
Family Responsibilities
Class Supplies
Drop-off and Pick-up
Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
Inclement Weather
Volunteers and Room Parents
Student Withdrawal Notice
Family Orientation Presentation
Library Monitor Responsibilities
Common Room Monitor Responsibilities
Hall Monitor #1 Responsibilities
Hall Monitor #2 Responsibilities
Sakura Program (日本語)
Library Monitor Responsibilities
Common Room Monitor Responsibilities
Hall Monitor #1 Responsibilities
Hall Monitor #2 Responsibilities
Sakura Program (日本語)
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct (日本語)
2024-25 Calendar
Family Account
Financial Aid
Family Responsibilities
Class Supplies
Drop-off and Pick-up
Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
Inclement Weather
Volunteers and Room Parents
Student Withdrawal Notice
Curriculum and Classes
Education Team
Education Team
Curriculum Coordinator
Teacher Assistants
Teacher Development
Expected Attributes of Teachers
Grievance Procedure
Employee Code of Ethics
CPR / First Aid / AED Certification
Background Checks
Curriculum Coordinator
Teacher Assistants
Teacher Development
Expected Attributes of Teachers
Grievance Procedure
Employee Code of Ethics
CPR / First Aid / AED Certification
Background Checks
Core Group
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board Director Job Description
Board Directors' Terms and Rotation Schedule
Code of Ethics Policy
Code of Ethics
Conflicts of Interest
Conflict of Interest Certification
Officers of the Corporation
Decision-Making By Email
Board Director Job Description
Board Directors' Terms and Rotation Schedule
Code of Ethics Policy
Code of Ethics
Conflicts of Interest
Conflict of Interest Certification
Officers of the Corporation
Decision-Making By Email
General Manager
IT / Webmaster
Admissions Assistant
Observation Waiver of Liability
Staff Attendance and Substitutes
Hiring Procedure
Pay Scale and Years of Service
Curriculum Rate
Classroom Observations
Reimbursement Form
Fundraising and Donations
Field Trip Permission Form
IT / Webmaster
Admissions Assistant
Observation Waiver of Liability
Staff Attendance and Substitutes
Hiring Procedure
Pay Scale and Years of Service
Curriculum Rate
Classroom Observations
Reimbursement Form
Fundraising and Donations
Field Trip Permission Form